Open Expedition - Fly Fishing, Beaver's Bend State Park, Oklahoma April 11-13, 2025
Enjoy Southeast Oklahoma's solitude while fishing for trout with Fly Fisherman Instructor Greg Allen. Other activities will include short hikes in the Beaver’s Bend area.
Cost is $99, which includes camping fees & equipment, meals, t-shirt, and transportation from Wichita Falls, TX area (Cost does NOT include $15.00 one-day fishing license which is available at the state park upon arrival)
Participants must provide their own fly fishing rod , lures and wading pants (if desired). If new to fly fishing and need to know what equipment you need, please contact Greg Allen at (325) 374-6371.
Save $10 if you register before March 28, 2025
Discount Code: EB - FF2025
Early Bird Deadline: March 28th
Last day to register: April 9th
Maximum Participants: 10
Once you've paid, fill out your registration forms!